Premi, Mostre e pubblicazioni



Hey, i’m not your doll! (Materie 11)

Curatore: Diana Di Girolamo

Location: Fornace Falcone Exhibition Hall, Cilento Outlet Village, Eboli (Sa), Italy.


Dall’essenza all’essere

Curator: Giambattista Vico Foundation

Location: La Fornace Museum-Acropolis Museum, Agropoli (Sa), Italy.


Art in progress

Curator: Diana Di Girolamo

Location: Monumental Complex of Santa Maria la Nova, Naples (Italy)



Al Campo Santo dei Miracoli pisani, il Trionfo della Morte e altre storie

Curator: ALI incisori Association

Location: Pisa Graphics Museum (Italy)

Biennale Libro d’artista

Curator: Xearte Association

Location: Padova (Italy)

Accademie in dialogo

Curator: Giovanni Dettori

Location: Mas Edu, “Mario Sironi” Academy of Fine Arts, Sassari (Italy)

Miniprint Asolo Exchange and Exhibition – spring 2024

Curator: Valeria Bertesina

Location: Palazzo Beltramini – Asolo (TV), Italy.


International Woman’s Art Festival Frida

Curator: Ormira Lulani

Location: Galeria e Artit Tirane, Tirana (Albania)

11 International Printmaking Biennal of Douro 2023

Curator: Nuno Canelas

Location: Alijò (Portugal)

Self Portrait

Curator: Athens Printmaking Art Center

Location: Athens (Greece)

Inaugurazione anno giudiziario 2023 TAR Campania

Curator: Academy of Fine Arts of Naples

Location: Piazza Municipio, Naples (Italy).

Mirror face to face

Curators: Valeria Bertesina for Italy and Inga Heamägi curator for Estonia

Location: Villa Caldogno, Vicenza, (Italy) and Kohila School of Arts, Tohisoo manor (Estonia).

Libero arbitrio

Curator: Antonella Nigro

Location: Spazio Vitale Arte Contemporanea, Aversa, Caserta, Italy.


Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo 2022

Curator: Julio Cesar Sierra Ruiz

Location: Fundacion Macla, Museo Macla, Cali (Colombia).

Tirana International Biennale of Graphic Arts 2022

Curator: Ormira Lulani

Location: Tirana Art Gallery, Tirana (Albania).

Miniprint Kazanlak 2022

Curator: Art Gallery Kazanlak

Location: Kazanlak (Bulgaria).

Printmaking Biennial 2022

Curator: Narodni Muzej Coulture Center and National Museum

Location: Cacak (Serbia).

Premio Marchionni 2022

Curator: Walter Marchionni

Location: MAGMMA (Marchionni Mediterranean Graphic Art Museum), Villacidro (Su), Sardinia, Italy.


FoyEr FIIC Trento 2021, Contemporary Engraving Festival

Curator: Emilia Bonomi

Location: Spazio Foyer, Trento (Italy).

International Graphic Art Prize Jesús Núñez 2021

Location: Fundación CIEC, La Coruña (Spain).

6th Kazan International Printmaking Biennal 2021

Curator: Sharafutdinova Alina Ravilevna

Location: Pushkin Museum of Fine arts, Kazan City, Tatarsan (Russia).

Third edition of: Fondazione Pio Alferano e Virginia Ippolito – La collezione

Curator: Vittorio Sgarbi

Location: Abbot Castle, Castellabate (Sa), Italy.

7h Geoje International Art Festival 2021 Peace Again

Curator: Cheon Eob Yu

Location: Haegeumgang Theme Museum, Geoje (South Korea)

IV Triennale di arti visive di Roma

Curator: Daniele Radini Tedeschi

Location: Medina Roma art Gallery, Rome (Italy)


Exhibition Artquake-5

Curator: Safa Bute

Location: Art Nigde International Gallery, Cappadocia (Türkiye)

Fourth International Printmaking Biennal Cacak 2020

Location: Cacak (Serbia)


Second edition of the Fondazione Pio alferano e Virginia Ippolito – La collezione

Curator: Vittorio Sgarbi

Location: Abbot’s Castle, Castellabate (Sa), Italy.

FoyEr FIIC Trento 2019, Contemporary Engraving Festival

Curator: Emilia Bonomi

Location: Spazio Foyer, Trento (Italy)

46th edition of the Premio Sulmona

Curator: Il Quadrivio Art and Culture Club.

Location: Sulmona (Aq), Italy.

International Graphic Art Festival UNI Graphica 2019

Curator: Anastasiya Poltinnikova

Location: Kovalenko Art Museum Krasnodar (Russia)

Vesuviu’s Art

Curator: Urbe Vesuviana Cultural Association

Location: Sant’Anastasia (Na), Italy.

Xiloprint Brazil Prize 2019

Curator: Antonio F. Costella

Location: Casa da xilogravura Museum, Sao Paulo (Brazil).

XIV Edition of the International Biennial for Engraving Acqui Terme 2019

Curator: International Biennial Association for Engraving of Acqui Terme

Location: Acqui Terme (Al), Italy.


• She wins second prize in the 31st National Chalcography competition Premio Comune di Gorlago, Bergamo, (Italy), award ceremony on 05/26/2024.

• She wins the Prize “Mostra itinerante Ca’ La Ghironda” at the Premio Marchionni 2023, curated by Walter Marchionni, MAGMMA (Marchionni Mediterranean Graphic Art Museum), Villacidro (Su), Sardinia, Italy, 10/06/2023 to 31/ 08/2023.

• She receives the Honorable Mention Award at the First Prize Award (6th Portrait), 2023 International Jured art Competition, curated by the Art Show International Gallery, Los Angeles.

• She wins the BAC Winter Edition ’22-Premio Vernice art Fair, Contemporary Art Fair of Forlì (Italy), on 17, 18 and 19 March 2023.

• She wins the 1st PRIZE “BEST NEOFIGURATIVE PAINTING” at the Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo 2022 in Cali (Colombia) on 2 October 2022 at the Centro de Eventos,Valle del Pacifico.


Haegeumgang Theme Museum (South Korea)

Raccolta Adalberto Sartori of Mantova (Italy)

TAR Campania, Naples (Italy)

Private collection of the Director of the Vatican Museums Barbara Jatta (Italy).

Pio Alferano and Virginia Ippolito Foundation collection (Italy).

Pisa Graphics Museum (Italy)

Private collection of Honorable Vittorio Sgarbi (Italy)

Civic Museum of the Capuchins of Bagnacavallo, Ravenna (Italy)

Kovalenko art Museum in Krasnodar (Russia)

Narodni Muzej Coulture Center and National Museum , Cacak (Serbia)

Museum Casa Da Xilogravura, Campos de jordao, San Paulo (Brazil)


She appears in Rosario Pinto’s book Il Realismo in Italia nel Novecento, Loffredo Editore Napoli, 2012.

She appears in numbers 117,119 and 121 of the Grafica d’arte magazine between 2019 and

The interview Exibart incontra Eleonora Del Giudice is published in Exibart magazine, 21 June 2023.


Together with the artist Angelo Marra, she creates a painting on the wall of the Chapel of the Casa della Gioia, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Casa della Gioia on 04/24/2024, San Castrese Parish, Marano, Naples (Italy).



• She wins second prize in the 31st Concorso Nazionale di Calcografia Premio Comune di Gorlago, Bergamo (Italy), 05/26/2024

• Finalist in the Second Edition of the Biennial Artist’s Book Competition-Exhibition, from 05/27/2024 to 06/30/2024, curated by the Xearte association, Ex Palazzo delle Biade in Piazza delle Erbe, Padua (Italy).

• Together with the artist Angelo Marra, she creates a painting on the wall of the Chapel of the Casa della Gioia, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Casa della Gioia on 04/24/2024, San Castrese Parish, Marano (Naples).

• She participates in the Miniprint Asolo Exchange and Exhibition – spring 2024, curated by Valeria Bertesina, Sartoria Sociale e Artistica Asolo, with the patronage of the City of Asolo (TV), Palazzo Beltramini – Asolo (TV) from 1 to 17 March 2024.


• Finalist in the Apox Arts 2023 International Art Competition, announced on the occasion of the XXVII International Police Award Arts Festival-Premio Apoxiomeno, Cortona (AR), from 10/23/2023 to 10/29/2023.

• Personal Dall’essenza all’essere, curated by the Giambattista Vico Foundation, Museo La Fornace-Museo Acropolis, on the occasion of the IV Edition of the Festival of Being, with the participation of Vincenzo Pepe and Elena Foccillo, artistic director of the exhibition Daniela Di Bartolomeo, Agropoli (SA), from 07/18/2023 to 07/31/2023.

• The interview Exibart incontra Eleonora Del Giudice is published in the Exibart magazine on 06/21/2023.

• She is selected at the International Woman’s Art Festival Frida, curated by Galeria e Artit Tirane, Tirana (Albania), from 10/25/2023 to 11/25/2023.

• She participates at the invitation of the curator Valeria Bertesina at the First International Biennale of Miniature Art Graphics and Drawings-Bitola-IBMB – Bitola 2023, Bitola (Macedonia).

• She wins the “Mostra itinerante Ca’ La Ghironda Award” at the Premio Marchionni 2023, curated by Walter Marchionni, MAGMMA (Marchionni Mediterranean Graphic Art Museum), Villacidro (Su), Sardinia, 10/06/2023 to 31/ 08/2023.

• She participates at the invitation of the curator Nuno Canelas at the 11 International Printmaking Biennal of Douro 2023, Douro (Portugal), from 10/08/2023 to 31/10/2023.

• Finalist in the Be The Difference With Art 2023 award, organized by the Rotary Asolo and Pedemontana del Grappa, exhibition of works and awards ceremony at the Antonio Canova Gypsotheca Museum, Possagno (TV), from 05/27/2023 to 07/2/2023.

• She Participates in Self Portrait, International Printmaking Exhibition organized by the Athens Printmaking Art Center, Athens (Greece), from 03/03/2023 to 04/1/2023.

• She Receives the Honorable Mention Award at the First Prize Award (6th Portrait), 2023 International Jured art Competition, curated by the Art Show International Gallery, Los Angeles.

• She Wins the BAC Winter Edition ’22-Vernice art Fair Award, Contemporary Art Fair of Forlì, on 17, 18 and 19 March 2023.

• She is among the artists participating in the permanent exhibition at the TAR of Naples, curated by the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, vernissage at the Inauguration of the 2023 judicial year on 02/17/2023, Piazza Municipio, Naples (Italy).

• She participates in the collective Libero Arbitrio, curated by Antonella Nigro, Spazio Vitale Arte Contemporanea, Aversa, from 01/14/2023 to 01/31/2023.

• She selected for the Mirror Face to Face 2023 event with two collective exhibitions curated by Valeria Bertesina, one of which will be held from 28 May to 18 June 2023 at Villa Caldogno (Vicenza) for Italy, and from 10 August to 15 September 2023 at in Kohila School of Arts, Tohisoo manor for Estonia.

• She receives compliments from the jury at the Luxemburg Art Prize 2022, curated by the La Pinacothèque museum, Luxemburg (Luxembourg).


• Finalist at Small Visual Forms 2022, Rzeszow (Poland).

• Finalist in the 24th Edition of the Premio Vittorio Viviani 2022, organized by the Libera Accademia di Pittura Vittorio Viviani (LAP), Villa Brivio, Nova Milanese (MB), from 12/11/2022 to 26/11/2022.

• She Wins 1st PRIZE “BEST NEOFIGURATIVE PAINTING” at the Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporaneo 2022 in Cali, organized by the Fundacion Macla, Museo Macla, Cali (Colombia), from 09/26/2022 to 10/2/2022, awards ceremony on the 2nd October 2022 at the Pacific Valley Event Center.

• She receives the Certificate of Merit at the Premio Mestre di pittura 2022 from an exceptional jury made up of prominent figures from the historical and artistic panorama such as Karole Vail, director of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice and of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation for Italy .

• She is selected at the Tirana International Biennale of Graphic Arts 2022, curated by Ormira Lulani, Tirana Art Gallery, Tirana (Albania), from 10/25/2022 to 11/25/2022.

• Finalist at the Fifth International Printmaking Biennal 2022, Narodni Muzej Coulture Center and National Museum, Cacak (Serbia), from 09/3/2022 to 09/26/2022.

• Finalist at the Premio Marchionni 2022, curated by Walter Marchionni, MAGMMA (Marchionni Mediterranean Graphic Art Museum), Villacidro (Su), Sardinia, from 07/16/2022 to 08/30/2022.

• She is selected at the tenth edition of Miniprint Kazanlak 2022, curated by the Art Gallery Kazanlak, Valley of the Kings of Thrace, Kazanlak (Bulgaria), from 01/06/2022 to 30/06/2022.


• Finalist at BIGC 2021, the International Contemporary Engraving Biennal in Lasi (Romania).

• Finalist at FoyEr FIIC Trento 2021, Festival of Contemporary Engraving, Spazio FoyEr, Trento, from 8/11/2021 to 19/11/2021 and is present in the catalogue.

• She is selected for the International Graphic Art Prize Jesús Núñez 2021, Fundaciòn CIEC, La Coruña (Spain).

• Finalist at the 6th Kazan International Printmaking Biennal 2021, State Museum of Fine Arts, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan (Russia), October-November 2021.

• She participates in the third edition of the collective Pio Alferano and Virginia Ippolito Foundation – La collezione, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Castellabate (Sa), from 1 July to 31 August 2021.

• She is selected at the 7h Geoje International Art Festival 2021 Peace Again with a work that becomes the property of the Haegeumgang Theme Museum, Geoje (South Korea), from 09/01/2021 to 11/30/2021.

• She participates in the IV Triennale di arti visive di Roma, at Medina Roma Art Gallery, curated by Daniele Radini Tedeschi, from 06/11/2021 to 06/20/2021.

• She is interviewed by Radio News 24, the episode airs on 3/05/2021 at 1.31 pm and is available in the Campania Region Section, Generic Category.

• She is selected for the Al Hatboor art and Photography Competition 2021, organized by the Artoze Art Gallery and Exhibitions in Dubai in April 2021.

• She participates in the 3D exhibition Open Minds- Open Collaborations- Collective Contemporary Art 2021, curated by the Open Minds Gallery by Dario Colombotto Rosso, 02/20/2021.

• She is selected at the Third International Online Art Exhibition Nirantar 21, organized by the Nirantar Art Group, Chandigarh (India), from 01/26/2021 to 02/26/2021.

• She participates in The ASROPA (since 1995) International Art Exhibition organized by Prof. Mag. Dr. Clemens Beungkun Sou for the Korea Unesco Gunsan Association Support, South Korea, from 12/27/2020 to 01/27/2021.


• She participates in the International On line Group Art Exhibition organized by the Kala Chhavi Artist Group, Allahabad U.P (India), 20/12/2020.

• She is selected at the Trienniale di arti visive di Roma, 2020 edition, Palazzo della Cancelleria Apostolica, Rome, from 9 to 18/12/2020, postponed to June 2021 due to Covid-19.

• she is selected at the Artquake-5 Exhibition, an exhibition organized by the Art Nigde International gallery in Nigde in Cappadocia (Turkey), from 10/29/2020 to 12/1/2020.

• She participates in the Artoze International Virtual Exhibition on the theme Save the animals, organized by the Artoze Art Gallery and Exhibitions in Dubai in October 2020.

• She is selected at the International Visual Art Exhibition organized by the Zobra art village gallery, Bangladesh, 16/10/2020 – 10/11/2020.

• She is selected at Vivid 2020, online group exhibition organized by the Vivid exclusive Art Gallery of Lagos (Nigeria), from 09/24/2020 to 10/11/20.

• She participates in Agony 2020 (Edition II), online international art exhibition organized by the Art Family India association, from 09/14/2020 to 09/24/2020.

• Finalist at the Fourth International Printmaking Biennal Cacak 2020, Serbia, from 3/09/2020 to 26/09/2020.

• She participates in the Monsoon Printmaking 2020 online exhibition, a selection of 100 artists from 26 countries around the world, organized by the Bindu Space for Artists, Kathmandu (Nepal), 27/07/2020-5/08/2020.

• She participates by invitation in the In hope Exhibition, a virtual exhibition of 150 artists from 40 countries around the world, an event organized by the SMD Foundation with the support of the Museum art Gallery of Mumbai (India), 22/07-25/7/2020 .

• She Appears in issue 121 of the magazine Grafica d’arte on 15 January 2020.

• She participates in the second edition of the collective Fondazione Pio Alferano and Virginia Ippolito – The collection, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Castellabate (Sa) from December 2019 to March 2020.


• Finalist at FoyEr FIIC Trento 2019, Festival of Contemporary Engraving, Spazio FoyEr, Trento, 24/11/2019 – 7/12/2020 and is present in the catalogue.

• She appears in issue 119 of the magazine Grafica d’arte on 1 September 2019.

• She participates at the invitation of the Honorable Vittorio Sgarbi in the 46th edition of the Premio Sulmona 2019 for the contemporary art category, Sulmona (Aq), 14/09/2019 – 12/10/2019.

• Finalist at the International Graphic art Festival UNI Graphica 2019 at the Kovalenko Art Museum in Krasnodar, Russia. International Exhibition from 12/09/2019 to 13/10/2019 and is present in the catalogue.

• She Participates in the collective exhibition Vesuviu’s art in Piazza Trivio, Sant’Anastasia (Na), 06/29/2019. Appears in issue 118 of the Grafica d’arte magazine of 15 May 2019.

• Finalist at the Xiloprint Brazil Prize 2019, Museo Casa da xilogravura, Campos do Jordɑ̃o, Sao Paulo, Brazil, International Exhibition from 02/05/2019 to 26/08/2019.

• She appears in issue 117 of the magazine Grafica d’arte dated 15 February 2019.

• Personal exhibition Arte in progress, curated by Diana Di Girolamo, Monumental Complex of Santa Maria la Nova, Naples, from 03/2/2019 to 04/27/2019.

• Finalist at the XIV Edition of the International Biennial for Engraving Acqui Terme 2019 and is present in the catalogue.